
Our products are convenient, easy to prepare, and perfect for busy weeknights or when you want to enjoy a delicious meal without having to worry about the hassle of fresh produce. For more detail about our KG Dumpling Pastry / 水饺皮 200G, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Siew Mai, also known as Shumai, is a traditional Chinese dumpling that is popular as a dim sum dish. These bite-sized dumplings are filled with a flavorful mixture of ground meat  shrimp, and seasonings. The filling is wrapped in a thin, translucent dough wrapper, which is often pleated or gathered at the top to create a unique shape.

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Introducing our Japanese Prawn Dumplings, a delectable delicacy that captures the essence of Japanese cuisine. These dumplings feature a combination of succulent prawns, vegetables, and seasonings, wrapped in a delicate dough. Each bite offers a burst of umami flavors and a delightful textural experience, making them a popular choice for dim sum or as a standalone dish.

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